Eye pimple home remedies

Eye pimple home remedies

An eye pimple or a stye or hordeolum is a small, painful lump on the eyelid. It happens due to bacterial infection in the oil glands of the eyelids usually causes it.

While it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment, several home 
remedies may help relieve the symptoms and promote healing. Here are some effective home remedies for eye pimples:
  1. Warm Compress: 

    A little warm compress on the affected eye can reduce pain and promote healing. Take a clean, hygienic cloth
    and make it warm by dipping it in warm water, then wring out the excess moisture, and place it gently 
    over the closed eye for 10-15 minutes. Do it in 2-4-6 hour intervals (depending on the severity of the issue). Repeating this procedure will help the pimple drain and relieve discomfort.
  2. Tea Bag Compress:

    The Tannins in tea bags possess anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce swelling and pain. 
    Deep a tea bag in hot water, then remove it after a few minutes and allow it to cool slightly. 
    Place the warm tea bag over the closed eye for 10-15 minutes. Do it in 2-4-6 hours intervals 
    (depending on the severity of the issue)
  3. Proper Eyelid Hygiene:

    Keeping the affected eyelid clean to prevent the spread of infection. Use a mild cleanser or baby shampoo
    diluted with warm water to clean the eyelid gently.
  4. Aloe Vera Gel:

    It has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the affected area
     and promote healing. Apply a small amount of pure aloe vera gel to the pimple for 15 minutes using
     a clean cotton swab or your clean fingertips, then wash it with warm water.
  5. Turmeric Paste:
    It contains curcumin, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
    Prepare a small amount of turmeric powder paste with adding water. Apply the paste to the pimple
    for 15 minutes, then wash it with pure water. (Cautious: turmeric can stain the skin and clothing).

  6. Warm Saline Solution: 
    Saline can help clean the affected area and promote healing. 
    Prepare a clear warm, hygienic Saline solution by adding a teaspoon of salt to warm water. 
    Soak a clean cotton ball or pad in the saline solution and gently cleanse the pimple and surrounding area. 
    Do it in 2-4-6 hours intervals (depending on the severity of the issue)
  7. Garlic Paste: 
    It has natural antimicrobial properties that fight the infection causing the pimple.
     Crush a garlic clove and add little water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the spot for 15 minutes,
     then wash it with warm water. Do it several times a day as required.
  8. Proper Eye Care:
    Avoid wearing makeup, contact lenses, or eye creams while you have an eye pimple to prevent further
    irritation and spreading infection. Wash your hands properly before touching your eyes, and avoid 
    rubbing or squeezing the pimple.
  9. Warm Chamomile Tea:
    Chamomile tea has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that 
    relieve pain and discomfort. Prepare a cup of chamomile tea and allow it to cool.
    Dip a clean washcloth in the cooled tea, wipe out the excess water, and place it over the closed eye 
    for 15 minutes. Repeat 2-4-6 hours intervals (depending on severity)
  10. Good Hygiene Practices:
    Avoid sharing personal items like towels, clothes, pillows, etc.,
    to prevent the spread of bacteria. Clean your hands regularly and avoid touching or rubbing
    your eyes unnecessarily.


While these home remedies may provide some relief but it’s always better to consult a healthcare professional if the eye pimple persists or worsen.

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