Anxiety-Home Remedies
Anxiety-Home Remedies

Mild Anxiety can be managed by Home remedies But treatment is needed when the concern is severe or persistent.

Here are some home remedies that may help alleviate stress:


  1. #Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nervous system. Inhaling slowly through the nose for a count of seven, holding breath for a count of seven, and exhaling through the mouth for a count of seven. Repeat this three times at an Interval of 30 minutes.
  2. #Exercise: Discipline physical activity reduces anxiety by increasing the production of hormones, “endorphins, ” natural mood lifters.
  3. #Diet: Habit of Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. Avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol, and sugary foods, which can exacerbate anxiety.
  4. #Aromatherapy: Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, and bergamot may have calming effects. Use essential oils or candles with these scents.
  5. #Herbal Tea: Herbal teas having chamomile, passionflower, etc. are known for their relaxing properties. If taking any other medication then Please check for any potential interactions with medications before using herbal remedies.
  6. #Mindfulness and Meditation:

    Mindfulness meditation helps stay present and reduce anxiety. Many internet stuff is available to guide you through meditation exercises.

  7. #Yoga: Yoga combines physical postures, and breathing exercises, to help reduce anxiety and stress.
  8. #Limiting Alcohol and Caffeine: Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption can worsen anxiety. Limiting these substances from the diet will help reduce anxiety.
  9. #Noting /Maintaining Diary: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to cope with anxiety. It helps identify the exact patterns that trigger.
  10. #Social Support: Talking to a friend or loved one about your feelings can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.
  11. #Sleep: Enough restorative sleep helps reduce anxiety. Poor sleep can exacerbate anxiety. A regular well-planned sleep schedule and calming bedtime routine help a lot.
  12. #Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves tensing and relaxing each muscle group. It can help relieve physical tension associated with anxiety.
  13. #Limiting Screen Time: Excessive screen time can contribute to anxiety, especially on social media. Limit exposure to screens, especially before bedtime.

Though these home remedies can relieve mild anxiety, they may not be sufficient for more severe anxiety or anxiety disorders. For severe Anxiety, It is better to Consult a professional for a proper evaluation and treatment plan, including therapy, medication, or a combination of approaches tailored to your specific needs.

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for more details visit: BRAICMEN – Empowering Mental Wellness (

By sypta21

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