Why there is a bed breathe?

How to Control bed breath

Bed breathe, Otherwise known as morning breath. This is happened due to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth overnight.

At the time of sleeping, saliva production decreases. Therefore the mouth becomes dry and creates a favorable environment for bacteria to grow.

So these bacteria are the culprit. It breaks down food particles and other organic matter in the mouth, there by releasing volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which cause bad breath.

Factors that make bed breath worse are as follows :

  1. Poor oral hygiene,

  2. Smoking,

  3. Certain medications,

  4. Medical conditions: Example “dry mouth”

  5. Sinus infections.

  6. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

How to maintaining good oral hygiene practices:

  • Brushing twice and flossing ,
  • Use of antibacterial Mouthwash,
  • Drinking plenty of water, will help reducing bed breath.

Avoid foods and drinks which contribute to bad breath, such as:

  • Onions,

  • Garlic,

  • Coffee,

  • Alcohol.

After practicing all the above if still there is persistent bad breath, then it is better to visit
a dentist to rule out any underlying medical conditions.


How to control bed breathe

Please follow the following tips that will help in controlling bed breath:

Brush and floss before bed: Brushing and flossing before bed will remove bacteria and food particles from  mouth, thereby reducing bad breath in the morning.

Mouthwash: Rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash before bed will kill bacteria and keep refresh breath in the morning.

Drink water: Drinking plenty of water before bed will keep mouth hydrated and reduce dryness, because dryness generally helps bacteria grow & contribute to bad breath.

Foods and drinks: Certain Foods and drinks for example- garlic, onions, coffee, and alcohol contribute to bad breath, so try to avoid them before bed.

Use of a tongue scraper: Bacteria that accumulate on tongue can be removed by using a tongue scraper. If you practice it before bed can help reducing the bad breath in the morning.

Maintaining oral hygiene and visiting and taking advice from  a dentist and do check-ups and cleanings will help identify and treat any underlying oral hygiene issues that may be contributing to bad breath.

Kindly note that above practice will  help reduce bad breath and improve overall oral health.


To purchase bed breath controlling products on Amazone Please click below links:





By sypta21

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