“Eye strain” medical terms are asthenopia

It refers to eye discomfort or fatigue due to prolonged or intense use. 

It happened due to an extended focus on a computer, reading, or driving.


Symptoms of Eye strain:


Eye Discomfort: A general feeling of discomfort or soreness in the eyes. It causes aching, burning, or a sensation of heaviness.

Eye Fatigue: Prolonged use of eyes can lead to feelings of fatigue or tiredness & make it difficult to concentrate on the main focus.

Dry or Irritated Eyes: causes dryness or irritation of the eyes, a gritty or sandy feeling, excessive tearing, or a sensation of itchiness.

Blurred Vision: Extended focusing on a single object, such as a computer screen. It may cause temporary blurred vision. This blurriness generally resolves after resting the eyes.

Headaches: It can contribute to headaches, particularly tension headaches around the temples or in the forehead region.

Neck and Shoulder Pain: Long-time poor posture during activities that strain the eyes; leaning forward can lead to neck and shoulder discomfort.

Light Sensitivity: Eye strain makes more sensitive to bright light, leading to discomfort in well-lit environments.

If persistent severe symptoms, it is advisable to consult an eye care professional for a comprehensive examination and evaluation of eye health and a guide to managing it.




If you’re experiencing eye strain, there are several steps you can take to find relief.

Below strategies to reduce eye strain:

Take Frequent Breaks: Give your eyes regular breaks from prolonged visual tasks. Follow the 30-30-30 rule: Every 30 minutes, look away from your screen or close your eyes, and concentrate on an object about 30 feet away for about 30 seconds.

Blink Regularly: Blink frequently to keep eyes moist and prevent them from drying out.

 Staring continuously at screens for extended periods can reduce flickering, contributing to dry eyes and eye strain.

Adjust Lighting: Ensure your working environment is well-lit, and reduce glare as much as possible. Use curtains, blinds, or adjust the position of your screen to minimize reflections, and bright light sources can strain your eyes more.

Maintain Proper Screen Distance and Position: Position your computer screen comfortably, typically about an arm’s length away. The optimal position for the display is slightly below eye level. Adjust the screen angle to reduce glare and optimize viewing comfort.

Use the Right Display Settings: Adjust the brightness, contrast, and font size on your screen to a level that is comfortable for your eyes. Avoid screens that are too bright or dim, as both can contribute to eye strain.

Practice Eye Exercises: Engage in simple eye exercises to relax your muscles. For example, focus on a distant object for a few seconds, then shift your focus to something closer. Perform this exercise repeatedly for several repetitions.

Use Artificial Tears: If the eyes feel dry, use over-the-counter lubricating eye drops or artificial tears to moisturize and refresh your eyes. Consult with an eye care professional for recommendations on suitable eye drops.

Maintain Good Posture: Sit comfortably and ergonomically while working or reading. Ensure that your chair, desk, and screen are appropriately adjusted to reduce strain on your neck, back, and eyes.

Limit Screen Time: Reduce the amount of time you spend on screens, especially before bed. Blue light from screens interferes with sleep quality and contributes to eye strain. Consider using blue light filters or wearing blue light-blocking glasses.

Get Regular Eye Exams: Schedule regular eye exams with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. They can evaluate your eye health, identify underlying issues, and provide personalized advice for managing eye strain.

Remember, if your eye strain symptoms persist or worsen despite these self-care measures, it is better to seek professional advice from an eye care specialist.



Eye strain can be relieved with self-care measures and lifestyle changes.

However, if the symptoms persist then consult an eye doctor for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.

Here are some treatments for eye strain:

Prescription Glasses or Contacts: If you have a refractive error, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, your eye care professional may prescribe corrective contact lenses. Wearing the glasses will alleviate eye strain associated with focusing difficulties.

Vision Therapy: It involves a series of exercises and techniques designed to improve specific visual skills and reduce  symptoms.

Medications: An eye care professional may sometimes prescribe lubricating eye drops or ointments to alleviate dryness and relieve eye strain symptoms. They may also recommend medications for underlying conditions contributing to it, such as allergies or inflammation.

Treatment of Underlying Conditions: If your eye strain results from an underlying condition, such as dry eye syndrome or computer vision syndrome, your eye care professional will address and treat the underlying cause to alleviate the symptoms.

Lifestyle Modifications: Changing your daily habits and environment can significantly reduce symptoms. Ie. Regular breaks from screen time, adjusting lighting conditions, practicing good ergonomics, and adopting healthy eye habits.

Stress Management: Stress and anxiety can contribute to eye strain. Therefore doing stress reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga may help alleviate symptoms.

Blue Light Filters and Glasses: Blue light by digital screens can contribute to eye strain. Using blue light filters on electronic devices or wearing blue light-blocking glasses reduce the impact of blue light on your eyes.

Moisturizing Eye Treatments: Artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can help relieve dryness and soothe the eyes. Your eye care professional can recommend suitable options based on your specific needs.

Warm Compresses: Apply warm compresses to your eyes to relax the muscles, improve circulation, and relieve symptoms. Use a clean, warm washcloth and gently place it over closed eyelids for a few minutes.

Correcting Poor Habits: Avoid activities like excessive screen time, reading in poor lighting conditions, or working in a poorly ventilated environment.


The duration depends on several factors, including the underlying cause, individual circumstances, and the effectiveness of self-care measures.

Regular breaks from visually demanding tasks, adjusting screen settings, practicing good eye habits, and ensuring proper lighting and ergonomics help recover faster.

If eye strain persists or worsens despite these self-care measures, seeking professional medical advice from an eye care specialist is advisable.

Always listen to the body & take appropriate measures to prevent and manage eye strain.


Permalink: https://sypta.com/2023/05/02/sleep-hygiene-sleep-disorders/

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