How to stop cold when you feel it

Sometimes you start to feel the symptoms of a cold coming on. At that time, it’s essential to act quickly to reduce the severity and duration of the cold. At the same time, there is no assured way to stop a cold once it has started. You can take several steps to alleviate symptoms and support your immune system in fighting off the virus.

Here below is what one can do:

Taking Rest: Get enough rest to allow your body to focus on fighting the virus. Sleep helps strengthen your immune system and aids in faster recovery.

Keep yourself hydrated: Drink sufficient fluids, especially water, to keep your body well-hydrated and help thin mucus secretions.
Warm liquids: Sip on warm fluids such as herbal teas, broth, or warm water with honey and lemon. It helps soothe a sore throat and provides comfort.

Gargle with salt water: Gargling with warm salt water eases a sore throat and reduces inflammation.

Use a humidifier: Running a humidifier in your bedroom can add moisture to the air, which can help relieve congestion and dryness.

Over-the-counter medications: Consider using over-the-counter cold remedies that contain ingredients like acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief, antihistamines for congestion, and decongestants for nasal congestion. Always follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if you have any medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Nasal saline rinse: Using a saline solution to rinse your nasal passages can help clear mucus and reduce nasal congestion.

Vitamin C: While the evidence is mixed, some studies suggest that taking vitamin C supplements or consuming foods rich in vitamin C may help reduce the duration and severity of a cold.

Zinc lozenges: Zinc lozenges shorten the duration of a cold when taken within 24 hours of symptom onset.

Avoid spreading the virus: when coughing or sneezing in public places cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow, and wash your hands frequently to prevent spreading the cold to others.

Remember that these measures help manage the symptoms and reduce the impact of a cold. If your symptoms worsen or persist for a long period or have underlying health conditions, it’s essential to seek advice from a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized recommendations and ensure no complications or other issues require medical attention.

By sypta21

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